See Venice and live wonderfully!

My husband Malte and I celebrated the resurrection of the Christ which is Easter in Venice. The edifices are pompous. Venice which is also called La Sérénissime is magnificent! The city of 270 000 inhabitants is famous for its channels, its place Saint Marc, its palace of the Doges and its carnival. The country of Vivaldi grounded in 421 is situated in a lagoon of the Adriatic Sea and extends over 118 islands situated between the embouchure of Adige in the South and Piave in the North.
The main islands are: Lido, Murano, Burano, Torcello, San Michele, San Erasmo, Mazzorbo, Vignole, Certosa, San Francesco del Deserto, San Giacomo in Paludo, San Servolo, San Lazzaro degli Armeni, Giudecca.
Venice is crossed by 177 channels and possesses 400 bridges and each of these bridges has its history. The most beautiful in Venice are that the historic center is completely pedestrian. Yes! Cars are forbidden. This is class! A happiness! Ecco! Channels act as road, and the diverse boat-buses called vaporetti, taxi-boats, private boats and traghetti, boats for pedestrians who cross the Grand Canal in some places between the bridges and decks, are the only transportations without walking. We walked and walked and did not see a car during three days. A real recreation! Venice is in this XXI-ème century the only city without automobiles, bicycles, motorcycles or trucks.
Which city is next?
Venice and its lagoon are registered on the UNESCO world heritage.
“An image is worth one thousand words”, is a Chinese proverbe. Look all of the pictures and do like me! Dream ! I like to dream. It was one of my dreams to see Venice and live magnificently!
Maxette Olsson. Writer and poet.